Forsvinde i det skrivende skrevne (2024)
48 channel audio piece
Premiered at GRM’s concert serie Focus at Le Centquatre-Paris, juni 2024.
The work is written for home made tonegenerators and tape recorders, where both the electrical, magnetic, and acoustic properties of the technology are examined, thus subscribing to a music-technological poetics that emphasizes the unique fingerprints and co-determination of the media. It is a very slow process, working with many melodic elements layered on top of each other, a process where the individual voice disappears, and the expression appears more as a series of textures than distinct melodies. Yet the melodic material is still to be found, like sunken memories that briefly emerge in our consciousness.
The title of the piece Forsvinde i det skrivende skrevne is a reference to the 1969 poem Det by Inger Christensen – and can be roughly translated into: “To dissapear into the writing written”.
Will be release by GRM / Shelter Press ultimo 2025. Below is a short excerpt of the piece.
Photos by: Didier Allard (c) INA
Supported by:
Commissioned by GRM Paris